Saturday, September 15, 2012

Jackass Part I

(AP) STOCKHOLM - A drunk, middle-aged man falls off a subway platform and is knocked unconscious as his head hits the tracks.
A bystander who witnessed the accident jumps down after him — but not for a daring rescue before the train arrives.
Instead, the witness steals the man's valuables, climbs back on the platform and leaves his victim to be hit by a train.
"To me it's incredible that one could steal or rob from somebody who is lying in such a place where you know that, if I don't do something, then this person will, in a worst-case scenario, get killed by the train that is coming. Because the train is going to come," police inspector Dan Ostman told TV4.
He calmly walked out of the subway station, waving to the ticket vendor, as a train ran over the victim on the tracks below. 
That man will never be the same.  He survived, but lost part of his foot.   I award this man Jackass of the Day, but be ready for the 2:30 post.  He has competition.

If your rage-o-meter hasn't buried itself in the red, I recommend checking out the full article.  This covers the highlights, such as they are.

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