Saturday, September 15, 2012

Jackass Part II

They apparently even make jackasses bigger in Texas:

A Texas police department is defending an officer who is seen on a dashcam video pulling a 77-year-old woman out of her car during a traffic stop.
Sgt. Gene Geheb, an officer from the Keene Police Department, pulled Lynn Bedford over Aug. 19 for driving 66 mph in a 50 mph zone. But their stop grew heated when Bedford refused to hand over her driver's license and insurance card, according to police reports and video from the officer's dashcam. The officer was also wearing a microphone and camera.
"The incident has been reviewed thoroughly by the Keene Police Department and the city of Keene administration," a statement from the Keene Police Department said. "All parties have concluded that Sgt. Geheb did not violate any state laws or department policies, and in fact was following department policy in regards to violators not providing information."
It's nice to know that pulling an old woman out of her vehicle is following department policy.  Even if he had decided to arrest her, he didn't have to be such a jackass.

This does not imply there was not a better way to handle this, because of course there was.  There is no mention of the officer trying to calm the situation, instead it looks like he overreacted and made it worse.

And this concludes today's jackassapalooza.

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