Friday, September 13, 2013

Remember Immigration Reform?

JM Ashby does over at Bob Cesca's place, and reminds us that it will still be 100% the GOP's fault when immigration reform fails to pass this year.

I can’t fault you for being optimistic, but if you really believed the Flying Monkey Caucus was going to allow comprehensive immigration to pass through the House, you’re sorely mistaken.

Congress is running out of time to pass immigration reform before the end of the year, and what few Republicans there are that favor reform are getting worried.

But the plan is to make you hate Obamacare more than bigot Republicans, so that Democratic voters stay home again and let the GOP win. It's all they have left.  They are counting on you refusing to punish them.

You can do something about that.  Remember, the House GOP has no time for immigration reform, but can make 41 votes to defund Obamacare.

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