Friday, September 13, 2013

The All-Alone Star State

Texas GOP Attorney General candidate Barry Smitherman:  Texas is not going to secede from the United States, but should the government in Washington collapse, we'll be increasingly ready to go it alone.  You know, just in case that happens.  Nudge nudge.

“Generally speaking, we have made great progress in becoming an independent nation, an ‘island nation’ if you will, and I think we want to continue down that path so that if the rest of the country falls apart, Texas can operate as a stand-alone entity with energy, food, water and roads as if we were a closed-loop system.”

Sounds like a theory we should test.  Kent Jones sums it up brilliantly:

So, to put this in terms of a romantic relationship: No, sweetheart, we're not breaking up, and I'm not talking about breaking up. However, I am going to put all my stuff in boxes and wait by the door because I'm expecting you to fail me any day now. Actually, I'm counting on it and will do everything I can to make that happen. And when it does, it'll be all your fault. But if there's one thing we are not talking about, it's breaking up.

Like I keep saying, methinks Texas doth protest too much about secession.  They sure seem to have a plan for it for a bunch of folks who have no intention of doing it.  Which, apparently, if you ask them about it, they will tell you.  At length.  About the plan they'll never use.  Nope.  Ever.

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