Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fastest Voting In Ohio

So, a law that allows thousands of new voters to register and then immediately cast absentee ballots in a crucial swing state in Ohio would make both sides happy, right?

Hells no, bra.
Republicans are raising concerns about Ohioans registering to vote and immediately casting absentee ballots during a five-day window after absentee voting starts Sept. 30 and before the deadline for registration Oct. 6.

Normally, there's time to process a new registration before voting starts. The GOP is expressing concern that ineligible voters will be allowed to fraudulently register and cast ballots on the same day during that five-day period.

The GOP is REALLY pissed off however because Obama is polling way ahead in the youth/college vote in Ohio. Thousands of new voters in Ohio this year would be overwhelmingly for Barry O and not McSame.

So of course, instead of encouraging more young people to vote, we have the GOP assuming all these young people can't possibly be voting for a Democrat, it must be voter fraud. Young people would naturally vote Republican, you see. So the Ohio GOP is considering a lawsuit. Of course, the GOP would never try to disenfranchise voters in a swing state to win a Presidential election....

1 comment:

StarStorm said...

Didn't you know? Only the Old White Dude vote matters. Everyone else is Too Stupid To Vote Right. Gotta save them from themselves, dontchaknow.

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