Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's the Stupid, Economy!

Dick Morris proves once again why he should not be allowed on the couch because he pees on the furniture.

So the question that hangs over the election is: Are we prepared to trust a new candidate with almost no experience and no claim to economic expertise in the middle of one of the most threatening economic situations we have ever faced?

Add to this backdrop Obama’s pledge to raise taxes and you have a combustible situation that could frighten American voters en masse. When, amid relative prosperity, Obama said he would restore fairness by raising taxes on the rich, it was well-received, particularly in the Democratic primary.

Raising the top bracket to 40 percent seemed a no-brainer. Applying the Social Security tax to more earned income, not just to the first $100,000, seemed like elemental fairness and a good way to save the pension system. Restoring the capital gains tax to 28 percent appeared to comport with the notion that those whose income derives from investment should pay a tax closer to that paid on earned income (despite the argument that it is after-tax money that they invested in the first place).

But now, with massive capital outflows crippling the public and private sectors, doubling the tax on capital seems like a very, very bad idea. And a sharp increase in taxes on the entrepreneurial class seems like a risky proposition.

And, besides, when a candidate starts raising taxes, who knows where he will stop once he is in office?

Anything Obama does is bad for the economy, because he is a Democrat. Never mind the fact that the economy is (and not to put too fine a point on it) COMPLETLY RATFUCKED currently, with a raging recession that could easily turn into a full blown depression because of the short-term pandering campaign malarkey flying about. Dick Morris is a master of short-term malarkey.

Obama is scary. He'll raise taxes. He's mixed race. He's above his station. He's going to sleep with your blonde, blue-eyed daughter, and owns a fine collection of spears. He's going to drink up all the Hennessey you've got on the shelf. In the absence of actual solutions as to why McSame is the right man for the job, he has only why Obama is going to throw out the spear to start Ragnarok, when THAT particular spear got chucked by McSame's current boss.

What we need are real solutions to the problem. It would start by getting out of Iraq, which is costing us billions per day. McSame doesn't get to play the fiscal responsibility card at any time while his plan for Glorious And Unending War is on the table.

Then again...Obama doesn't fill me with utmost confidence on not expanding our war in Afghanistan. Who knows how much money and/or people will be wasted there in the future.

I know, I know. Do the best with what we've got. We're all learning to make do these days.

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