Monday, August 11, 2008

Square In The Nuts

The Obama camp is fighting back on the "Obama is an out of touch celebrity" meme with an ad pointing out McSame went all Hollywood a long time ago himself.

To provide a little context, the McCain campaign decided in recent weeks to embrace the “celebrity” narrative with both arms. It’s the principal anti-Obama attack in every ad, every press release, every surrogate talking point, and every speech. The irony, of course, is that the attack is coming from John McCain, a bona fide political celebrity, as evidenced by his cameo in “Wedding Crashers,” his appearance on “24,” his stints on “Saturday Night Live,” and the fact that he’s been on “The Daily Show” more than any other guest ever.

Really, it's bad form to use PWNXXORED, but I think in this case I'll justify it.

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