Friday, August 29, 2008

Zandar's Thought Of the Day

Sarah Palin makes no sense.

This is the conclusion the Zandardad (active in Democratic politics back home in NC for a couple decades now, ask him about his picture with Jimmy Carter in Bermuda sometime) and I have come to after talking to him today on the phone. No sense whatsoever. We cannot between the two of us come up with why John McSame chose Sarah Palin over Joe F'ckin Lieberman, Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Olympia Snowe, Christie Todd Whitman, Jodi Rell, Bobby Jindal, or even Elizabeth Dole and Mike Huckabee.

Even Rick Santorum would have been a better choice. I mean that. Rick Santorum makes sense compared to Sarah Palin.

There are better choices to excite the base. There are better choices to attract moderate female voters. There are better choices in experience and record that would fit one or both of the preceding criteria.

I can honestly say that if both I'm stumped and my father is stumped by the political calculus here with close to four decades between us as political junkies, there's a problem. Neither one of us can determine the process here for taking Sarah Palin.

She's an extremist fundie garbage-spouting, ANWR-drilling, polar-bear shooing, gay-bashing, nookular-loving, climate-change denying, former Miss Alaska runner-up, that's a creationism-teaching, neo-feminist from a small population state that was never in play, on the campaign trail with a 3-month old baby, zero foreign policy experience, zero legislative experience, and she will be President if anything happens to the 72-year old guy with the explosive temper and the skin cancer.

I mean honestly, four years from now you're seeing what, a Palin-Jindal "bamboozle the women and minorities" ticket?

What. The Hell. Was McSame Thinking.

Oh, and here's Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) kicking Sarah Palin's ass.
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