Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Compassionate Conservatism Goes For Cold Hard Numbers

Those cold hard numbers being the 2008 GOP platform, adopted at this week's convention, that illegal immigrants should not be counted in the 2010 census...a sure way to drastically reduce Federal funding and political representation for high immigrant blue states like California and New York.
Michigan Republican Rep. Candice Miller has proposed a constitutional amendment specifying that congressional representation "shall be determined by counting the number of persons in each state who are citizens of the United States."

Miller, in reintroducing the amendment last year, said that states with a large number of illegal immigrants are gaining unfair representation in the House. Had her amendment been in place before the 2000 census, Miller said, California would have six fewer seats in the House while New York, Florida and Texas would have one fewer seat. States with fewer undocumented residents, including her own state of Michigan and others such as Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, would have picked up a seat, she said.
The GOP thinks you're a wonderful human being and you should be brought into this world. Unless you're an illegal, in which case fuck you, you sub-human parasite. We're not even going to acknowledge that you even exist in our country. You literally do not count as a person to these people...well, unless you're a fetus or a stem cell or something.

And after all, if the Census becomes an official record of who is legal and who is not in America, those who are not can be deported a lot easier, hmm?

The GOP. We Care About You. Unless You Piss Us Off, In Which Case We Will End Your Ass.

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