Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Home Is Where You Hang Your Constituents

More excellent news for the McCain campaign breaking this morning!
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a "per diem" allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business.

The governor also has charged the state for travel expenses to take her children on official out-of-town missions. And her husband, Todd, has billed the state for expenses and a daily allowance for trips he makes on official business for his wife.

Palin, who earns $125,000 a year, claimed and received $16,951 as her allowance, which officials say was permitted because her official "duty station" is Juneau, according to an analysis of her travel documents by The Washington Post.

The governor's daughters and husband charged the state $43,490 to travel, and many of the trips were between their house in Wasilla and Juneau, the capital city 600 miles away, the documents show.

But since she's a Republican we'll only hear how this means Sarah Palin was committed to a stable family life for her kids that was well within her rights to do.

If she was a Democrat, the news would be screaming about how this latest scandal (yet another reason she should do the right thing for the country and resign from the ticket, the GOP would say) means she's clearly guilty of endangering America's western frontier by damaging Alaska's political landscape by being possibly guilty of fraud and emboldening Russian aggression by showing weakness in our closest state to Vladivostok.


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