Friday, September 12, 2008

Today's Sarah Palin Lie...

...that will be repeated sixty million times by the media and driven into the minds of voters as subconscious truth is this lovely act of
telling an Iraq-bound brigade of soldiers that included her son that they would "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans."
Yay. It doesn't matter. Every time Sarah Palin lies, it gets repeated by the media and hammered into the brains of the people who just don't give a damn enough to check the truth, and I'm betting that's about 90% of us. Once again the GOP dominates the 24-hour news cycle.

Sarah Palin is going to lie her way straight into Washington, and we're too lazy, ignorant, and complacent to defend our country from her. We truly deserve the hell we get if McSame wins.

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