Friday, November 7, 2008

Where Ya Going With This Exactly?

Politico's boy say Obama's pick of Rahmbo means "he wants to win".
President-elect Barack Obama’s selection of Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) as his White House chief of staff is the latest demonstration of a quality Obama showed repeatedly over the course of his campaign: He’s willing to do what it takes to win.
Of course, the last 8 years was full of that "whatever it takes to win" mentaility.

So either Politico thinks Obama and Rahmbo are Bush and Rove all over again, or...what, exactly?
If his goal had been to create a cordial bipartisan tone in Washington — much less a calm, profanity-free West Wing — Obama would have looked elsewhere.

The selection of Emanuel, one of the Democratic Party’s most effective operatives over the past two decades, was a powerful signal of Obama’s determination to be effective under the existing rules of the Washington game.

“He’s from the Lombardi wing of the party — he’s a guy who wants to win at any cost and will do whatever it takes,” said John Lapp, a former top Emanuel aide at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Lapp called Emanuel “the best possible pick — a perfectionist and fighter who loves the president[-elect] like a brother.”
Yep, Rahmbo = Karl Rove, currently the biggest loser in DC right now. I love it. Democrats aren't allowed to win, you know. The Obama administration is just the Bush administration...only leftist. Expect that meme to be the centerpiece of the Sensible Centrist set.

[UPDATE] And it gets worse...turns out Rahmbo used to be on the Board of Directors for Freddie Mac.
President-elect Barack Obama's newly appointed chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, served on the board of directors of the federal mortgage firm Freddie Mac at a time when scandal was brewing at the troubled agency and the board failed to spot "red flags," according to government reports reviewed by
Course...he was on the board in 2000 for 13 months and then he ran for Congress, and this was common knowledge...but hey, the honeymoon's BEEN over for Obama. Just as corrupt as the Bushies or something, right?
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