Monday, December 1, 2008

Epic Irony Detector Fail

After eight years of Bush's unlimited "unitary executive in a time of war", Nameless One's extra-constitutional Fourthbranch antics making him accountable to no one, and Sarah Palin being unable to describe the duties of the Vice-President job she was running for as the GOP standard-bearers on the limits (or complete lack of them) of executive branch power, we have Palin herself making this comment today campaigning for Saxby Chambliss in Georgia:
"We need Saxby because we need checks and balances in Washington, and we will not have that if Saxby is not re-elected," said Palin. "With one party in control of the House and the Senate and the White House we need a conservative who will speak for themselves."
Is there any more reason why the GOP can never be allowed in power again? The GOP was never, ever interested in checks and balances when it was in fact how can we forget the promises of a permanent Republican majority in Washington?

But now of course we need to restrain the Democrats before they do anything.


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