Friday, January 23, 2009

Well Now Here's Your Problem

The problem with your "liberal" Village media is the fact they can't identify actual fucking liberals. (h/t Balloon Juice) has its list of the “The 25 Most Influential Liberals In The U.S. Media“. Here’s some of the people on the list: Maureen Dowd, Tom Friedman, Chris Hitchens, Andrew Sullivan, Fareed Zakaria, Fred Hiatt.
Yes, Rae-Rae, Double G, The Kroog, Kos The Great Orange Satan, Josh Marshall and Jon Stewart are no brainers. But if you can't actually find 25 liberals, they can't be that influential, now can they? I mean come on, Chris Matthews? I can think of a dozen folks more influential *and* more liberal than f'in Tweety. Check the blogroll on the side, damn. Steve Benen, Pam Spaulding, Amanda Marcotte, Marcy Wheeler, Jane Hamsher, Digby, BooMan, the list goes on and on folks.

And people wonder why the Village is broken. Jesus.

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