Monday, February 9, 2009

One Prediction To Save For Later

Going to start marking articles like these that are still declaring everything's going to be fine, and that we're overreacting to a "market downturn."
PRESIDENT Obama, writing in The Washington Post, said, "By now, it's clear to everyone that we have inherited an economic crisis as deep and dire as any since the days of the Great Depression." But how would we know if and when this crisis is really more "deep and dire" than others?

Many may believe we're in the worst recession since the Great Depression, if only because politicians and the press keep repeating that claim. But we need to compare some facts to discern whether this recession is (or will be) "worse" in some sense than those of 1973-75 or 1981-82.

2.6 million jobs lost in 5 months is just a hiccup, folks. We can't possibly continue to lose jobs at that rate for much longer!

New tag: Future Stupidity. I'll be checking on posts like this down the road.

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