Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Your Tears Sustain Zandar, Mitch

Mitch McConnell warns of the death of American freedom thanks to Arlen Specter.
Mitch McConnell, leader of a Republican minority that is now even smaller, suggested Tuesday that Sen. Arlen Specter's defection endangered not just the party, but the entire country.

"I think the threat to the country presented by this defection really relates to the issue of whether or not in the United States of America our people want the majority to have whatever it wants without restraint, without a check or a balance," McConnell said Tuesday.

"Obviously, we are not happy that Senator Specter has decided to become a Democrat," McConnell said. "If we are not successful in Minnesota ... Democrats, at least on paper, will have 60 votes. I think the danger of that for the country is that there won't automatically be an ability to restrain the excess that is typically associated with big majorities and single-party rule."

What makes this funny is the guy who engineered Specter's switcheroo? Joe Biden.

What makes this even funnier is the fact that Republicans are complaining about checks and balances after a good 8 years of rubber stamping Bush legislation for his signature...and for Bush's thousands of signing statements when he didn't agree with Congress, he would simply ignore their laws illegally thanks to the "unitary executive".

But we're supposed to be worried about Obama and not the GOP.

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