Sunday, April 26, 2009

Zandar's Thought Of the Day

A WaPo poll finds Americans are pretty evenly split on the torture question, with 75% of Democrats wanting investigations and 74% of Republicans not wanting them. If wanting investigations of the Bush torture regime is nothing more than a partisan witch hunt that "assures another 9/11 attack", doesn't that mean by the same logic that NOT wanting investigations means this is a partisan cover-up that "assures another Watergate scandal"?

At what point does rule of law and the Geneva Conventions enter into the debate here? Oh wait, I'm sorry, terrorists never signed on to those, so it makes it okay for us to break them.

So, I guess a corrupt government is better than dead Americans! Take that, libtards!

Of course, that logic is a complete fallacy to begin with, but that's besides the point. When we've become more worried that the risk of doing justice now outweighs the possibility that we might cause harm or injustice later, then we're no longer a country of laws.

David Waldman has more.

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