Sunday, May 3, 2009

Last Call

There are bad ideas. There are horrible ideas. And there are Winger ideas.

History is influenced and even dictated by people who take the initiative, take matters into their own hands, take action. History is made by people who DO, not people who are DONE TO.

To that end, I suggest that Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal be removed as soon as possible. How? I prefer that the United States buys it so the money can be used to bolster the weak Pakistani government. Lacking that, direct, strong, military action should be taken:
1) American forces (however many troops are necessary) should be sent to defend the nuclear facilities.
2) If buying or protecting the nukes is not allowed, then they should be destroyed

Is this harsh? Absolutely, but we’re talking about dozens-perhaps hundreds of nuclear weapons that can be taken in a day or so by either the Taliban or the US (as the Pakistanis are not in control). Imagine 100 nuclear weapons smuggled into the United States, into American ports, on planes to American cities, or to American bases overseas. Does anyone doubt the Taliban would like to blow up Rome, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, or Baghdad? That’s 4 targets with perhaps 100 more to use. The situation is far too dangerous to leave to chance.

Yeah. You see, we can easily take the entire country of Pakistan and take their nukes with 100% certainty now, but should the Taliban get them, there's a 100% chance the US will be powerless to stop them and we'll be nuked. So if Obama doesn't immediately secure Pakistan's nukes through whatever means necessary (including deadly military force) then your grandmother will get nuked. This makes perfect sense if you're a neo-con nutjob.

If your brilliant idea for saving the world from the Af-Pak problem is basically a plot cribbed from a Vince Flynn novel, you need mental help. I would hope any actual soldier, seaman or airman would laugh these idiots out of town, especially any of them who have served in CENTCOM and would see their lives treated so casually.

After all, Russia or China could nuke us too. Both countries could produce a loose nuke scenario. Why not invade THEM and take their nukes too? I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

Or, since the real problem is the billion or so possible Muslim jihadis, why not just nuke the whole lot of them first?

After all, the situation is far too dangerous to leave to chance.

But this is what passes for serious solutions from our friends on the far right.

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