South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford admitted Wednesday, amid speculation over his whereabouts for the last several days, that he has been engaged in an extramarital affair with an Argentinian woman.You stay classy, Republican presidential hopefuls!"I've been unfaithful to my wife," Sanford told a news conference in Columbia, the state capital. "I developed a relationship with what started as a dear, dear friend from Argentina."
His voice choking at times, Sanford apologized to his wife and four sons, his staff and supporters, and said he would resign immediately as head of the Republican Governors Association. The affair was discovered five months ago, Sanford said.
The South Carolina governor had not been seen in public since June 18. When questioned, Sanford's staff had told media outlets that he was hiking in the Appalachian Trail. But Sanford was spotted Wednesday in Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.
The South Carolina governor said he had been in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Sarah Palin wins the GOP nomination by default in 2012 because she's literally the only Republican not thinking with the wrong head.
[UPDATE 3:36 PM] As BooMan says, the affair isn't the problem, but leaving the state with no contingency plan and no contact info in case an emergency happened most certainly is. It quite frankly amounts to dereliction of duty of the office of the impeachable offense.