Thursday, June 4, 2009


Obama's speech in Cairo was nothing short of breathtaking, and on top of that it was politically brilliant. His message boiled down to "We're ready to talk, but you must be ready to listen."

But Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg sums it up the best:
An African-American President with Muslim roots stands before the Muslim world and defends the right of Jews to a nation of their own in their ancestral homeland, and then denounces in vociferous terms the evil of Holocaust denial, and right-wing Israelis go forth and complain that the President is unsympathetic to the housing needs of settlers. Incredible, just incredible.
Of course. Obama is the enemy, don't you know.

You thought the Winger hate was bad before. We've gone straight to unhinged. I honestly am worried about the man's safety now. The next year or so will test us like never before, people.

Pray we pass.

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