Friday, June 12, 2009

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

Sara Robinson at Orcinus asks of Conservatives:
We know you have absolute and utter contempt for the intelligence of the average American, but trying to blame the left for creating this situation is a fabrication so vast that it tells us you don't even have so much as a shred of respect for yourselves. Even you seem to know that your word is worth nothing to most Americans now -- and you don't seem to care.

You don't seem to give a damn about the future of this country, either. You're just in it to win the next election, increase profits for the next quarter, or boost your ratings in the next book. As long as selling hate accomplishes any of these goals, you'll do it -- without regard for the cultural sewage you're creating, without regard for the way you've polluted the political landscape, and now apparently without even a moment's regard for the innocent lives that are being lost because you seem bent on destroying every shred of trust required for our democracy to function.

But the bodies are piling up. We are demanding an accounting from you. We are demanding that you take responsibility for the situation you've created. We are looking you straight in the eyes and demanding a straight answer:

Are you deliberately trying to start a civil war?
Yes, they are. Also, see GOP Plan, The.

More and more people are beginning to realize this. There are people who believe that Barack Obama and his policies must be defeated by whatever means necessary. He is the implacable Enemy to these people.

There are people willing to kill and to die to stop him. There are people willing to bring nutcases like this to the dance in order to gain ephemeral political power. It's a game as old and as tragic as humanity itself.

Shah mat. The King is dead.


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