Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wingers Declare War On "Government Motors"

Wingers like El Rushbo have decreed that General Motors must die in a socrched earth boycott in order to prove Obama wrong.
"In the effort to reverse this lurch beyond the farthest left fringe of previous Democratic statist urges, individual Americans have a role to play. They have to say no to GM products and services until such time as the denationalization occurs," says Hugh Hewitt. He acknowledges that this is a serious step that could hurt people currently working for GM: "But there isn't any alternative, every dollar spent with GM is a dollar spent against free enterprise. Every car or truck purchased from Government Motors is one not purchased from a private car company that competes fairly against all other car companies."

Where Hewitt makes his point as a seemingly reluctant and composed agitator, Rush Limbaugh makes no bones about what he wants in his own praise of the idea. The most amazing thing here is that Limbaugh appears to be openly admitting that the purpose of this is economic and political sabotage -- to prevent President Obama from succeeding at something.

Limbaugh reassures any GM workers who might be listening that the boycotters aren't angry at them. "They don't want to patronize Obama. They don't want to do anything to make Obama's policies work!" he explains. "This is an untold story, by the way. Of course, the government-controlled media is not gonna report anything like this but there are a lot of people who are not going to buy from Chrysler or General Motors as long as it is perceived Barack Obama is running it, because people do not want his policy to work here because this is antithetical to the American economic way of life."

In order to save American jobs you see, we must destroy hundreds of thousands of them and the President trying to save them. It's the only way. The fact that a metric shit ton of Democratic union workers get shafted and then the GOP gets to blame Obama for it is entirely bonus material for these guys.

I say it again. The GOP plan is Destroy. Obama. It doesn't matter what Obama does, if Obama fails at it then the GOP wins. They don't care how many jobs are lost and lives are destroyed. They would rather see GM burn because Obama tried to save it. General motors is dead to them anyway, it's Government Motors now, an arm of the Obama administration, and it has to die along with all the jobs and cars with it.

They hate Obama enough to put possibly millions out of work just to prove him wrong.

Think about that.

[UPDATE] Steve Benen sums it up:

This isn't complicated. If GM's finances improve, the government can divest, American jobs will be saved, and taxpayers can get a return on their money. That would be a good thing.

There's been debate in conservative circles over the last several months about whether, in the midst of multiple crises, it's appropriate to root for failure. But it's even more striking to see some conservatives trying to actively ensure failure, regardless of the consequences for the country.

And he's still befuddled by this somehow? Actively ensuring Obama's failure has been the plan all along.

[UPDATE 2] John Cole wins the internets:
The first thing I thought when I looked at DougJ’s post about these morons organizing a boycott of GM and Chrysler was that they just spent the last three weeks incorrectly screaming that Republican Chrysler dealerships were unfairly targeted by the Obama administration for closure, so now they want to boycott them and finish off the rest of them- “Republican dealerships were unfairly targeted! Let’s kill the survivors!”
Which is true. Why does Rush hate Republican Chrysler donors?

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