Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dear America:

"Well, that whole Iranian Green Revolution isn't working out as quickly or as neatly as I want it to. This is proof that Obama's stupid 'smart power' diplomacy garbage is forever discredited, and clearly now is the time to give this fledgling democracy a gentle nudge by having Israel bomb the crap out of the country. I'm sure the bombs will only kill, maim, dismember and otherwise inconvenience the bad guys who want to attack everyone willy-nilly. They really are nothing like us, you know."

--John Bolton, Washington Post

[UPDATE 1:49 PM] Andy Serwer asks "When is it not time to bomb Iran?"
Of course, "theologically committed" could also describe Bolton, who has expressed support for bombing Iran for years now, so it's hard to take seriously his proposal that now is actually the opportune moment to bomb Iran. At the very least, we've come to see an addition to the GOP policy agenda, which for a while was simply "cut taxes." Now we have:

1. Cut Taxes

2. Bomb Iran

Can't wait for the white paper.

I'd have to add 3. Destroy Obama. That's just me.

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