Yep, she's playing the celebrity victim card. Now if only we knew who was responsible for thrusting her into the national limelight she clearly wasn't ready for and building a cult of personality around her...Palin conceded many people are still confused about why she made the decision to leave office.
"You know why they're confused? I guess they cannot take something nowadays at face value," Palin said.
But she said a major factor in the decision was the mounting legal bills she and the state have had to incur to fight ethics charges from her political adversaries. None of the accusations has been proven but, she said, the costs of fighting them have been enormous.
"You know conditions have really changed in Alaska in the political arena since Aug. 29, since I was tapped to run for VP. When that opposition research -- those researchers really bombarded Alaska -- started digging for dirt and have not let up. They're not gonna find any dirt," she said. "We keep proving that every time we win an ethics violation lawsuit and we've won every one of them. But it has been costing our state millions of dollars. It's cost Todd and me. You know the adversaries would love to see us put on the path of personal bankruptcy so that we can't afford to run."
Oh wait, we do. It was John McCain and the GOP leadership, and then Sarah Palin accepted the nomination for veep.
Welcome to the big leagues, rook.
White House Department of Law.But as for whether another pursuit of national office, as she did less than a year ago when she joined Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the race for the White House, would result in the same political blood sport, Palin said there is a difference between the White House and what she has experienced in Alaska. If she were in the White House, she said, the "department of law" would protect her from baseless ethical allegations.
"I think on a national level, your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out," she said.
So, Sarah Palin believes the Justice Department's goal is to throw out ethics complaints against the executive branch.
Good lord. Here's the kicker:
Another major reason that Palin said she is walking away from her first term as Alaska's governor is because after she made the decision not to seek a second term as governor, she would be a lame duck and she refuses to "milk" that status. She said most politicians "say it's a paycheck, it's a paycheck and I get to travel around. No, that's politics as usual."You mean like a Governor who travels around Alaska at the people's expense and milks her status as a "victim of the media"?Palin spoke openly about her ideas for the country, national security and energy, and she took a dim view of politicians. "No, I don't really like a whole lot of politicians," she said.
The woman is shameless and imperverious to either logic or irony. Alaska should be grateful she resigned.
She's done.