Jonah Goldberg, editor-at-large of National Review Online, went on Fox News today to fan the flames of the latest fabricated "death panel" controversy.Never mind that this of course means Bush and the Republicans created the pamphlet in the first place. Obama's killing veterans with his health care death panels!Goldberg equated a Veterans Affairs pamphlet -- one that's reportedly no longer being used -- with Nazi eugenics, saying "death panels may not be too far off the horizon."
The pamphlet in question is one that, Fox reported this weekend, encourages disabled veterans to decide whether their lives are worth living. Tammy Duckworth, an assistant secretary of the VA, told Fox on Sunday that the department instructed VA doctors to stop using the pamphlet in 2007.
But Fox has ignored that insistence, saying soldiers returning from Iraq are given the pamphlet.
"This goes into the realm of valuing whether life is worthy of life, as the Germans used to say," Goldberg said today.
It never stops. The GOP will stoop to any level in order to kill this legislation.