Friday, August 7, 2009

Fighting Back

As Sam Stein reports from HuffPo, the White House is not amused with El Rushbo playing the Godwin Card as Whit House spokesman Robert Gibbs delivered a warning.
Pressed on the analogies between Obama and Hitler that conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh made during Thursday's program, Gibbs' voice turned stern.

"I know the president feels strongly that we can discuss these issues without personally maligning... that we are doing so in a way that respects the dignity of each individual," he said. "I think anytime you make references to what happened in Germany in the 30's and 40's, I think you are talking about an event that has no equivalent. And I think anytime anyone ventures to compare anything to that, they are on thin ice, and it is best not employed."

"But I think what the most important thing is, is that we can have a discussion in our democracy about where we want to go," he added. "The president strongly believes we can do so without yelling at each other, pushing at each other or degrading each other. We have seen some stuff, I mentioned it a week ago, we have all seen imagery that just shocks and surprises us and I think the best thing to do is just take that temperature down a bit."

Not that I think the White House press secretary should be in the habit of issuing warnings to the media, but El Rushbo did go over the line.

Of course, this will only be another example of Obama's Nazi tendencies and his fascist control of the media to the Oxycontinfather.

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