Friday, September 11, 2009

Probing The Darkness

Via Atrios, looks like Eric Holder's boys have eyes set on a very big prize.
U.S. investigators are probing the former head of American International Group Inc's (AIG.N) Financial Products unit, Joseph Cassano, and other executives for securities fraud, a law enforcement source familiar with the case said on Friday.

The source said that a grand jury may be impaneled this month in New York to consider potential charges that executives failed to disclose the value of toxic assets to the bailed-out insurance company's outside accountants and shareholders.

"The investigation is really who knew what and when about these assets," said the source, who asked not to be identified because the probe was ongoing. "They were holding toxic credit default swaps and may not have disclosed their real worth."

Yeah, make this happen, please. These bastards need to share cells with Bernie Madoff, and the cells need to share space with an active volcano filled with exploding bees.

How the hell do you punish somebody who effectively wrecked an entire economy?

(Oh wait, you let him serve as Fed chairman.)

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