Friday, October 2, 2009

Cat, Errm, Moose Fighting

McCain's former campaign manager: Sarah Palin as president would be "catastrophic".
That famous infighting of the core McCain campaign versus Sarah Palin is still continuing, with former McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt openly saying at the Atlantic's "First Draft of History" symposium that it would be "catastrophic" if Palin were to win the Republican nomination in 2012.

Schmidt said:"Most politicians of prominence write a book. My honest view is that she would not be a winning candidate for president and if she was the results would be...catastrophic. It's fairly inconceivable she could be elected."

El Rushbo has now officially disowned "McCain and his people" as a result.

Gosh, I'm all torn up over grown people screaming at everyone but themselves, wondering why the bigoted, misogynistic, insular, ignorant racists in the GOP are having a hard time winning elections in 2009.

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