Thursday, October 22, 2009

Epic Quickly My Good Phineas, To My Electromotive Velocipede Win

Via Balloon Juice comes some serious epic technology win:
Our plan is to retrace the route of the automotive CEOs who went to Washington DC asking for government loans. But instead of looking for aid, we’d like to present President Obama with a homegrown solution to the transportation crisis. And instead of flying in a corporate jet, we’re riding Brammo Enertia powercycles. We’re just a couple of guys who work for Brammo, but we want to show that there’s a better way to get from Point A to Point B. And we want to have a little fun while we’re doing it. So join us as we surf from plug to plug in a quest to meet Obama, fueled by nothing more than electricity and the kindness of everyday Americans.
Now, there's the argument that using America's power grid still would create quite a carbon footprint, 15,000 miles on $100 of electricity is my entire power bill for two months, roughly.

Then again, 15,000 miles in my Hyundai would be a year's worth of gas, 25 tanks at 15 gallons at $2.50 a gallon is oh, ten times as much give or take. I'm thinking there should be a market for these here new-fangled electromotive velocipedes, especially in urban areas.

Still, a good way to market the bikes.

EPIC WIN, even. Indubitably.

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