Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pushing For That Third War

Not content with Iraq and Afghanistan draining our coffers and killing thousands of our soldiers and millions of civilians, the GOP has taken the gloves off this week on the Sunday shows and wants total war against Iran.
"I think an Israeli attack on Iran is a nightmare for the world, because it will rally the Arab world around Iran and they're not aligned now. It's too much pressure to put on Israel," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Fox News' Chris Wallace.

He continued: "Military action should be the last resort anyone looks at, and I would rather our allies and us take military action if it's necessary."

But Graham doesn't think an attack should be limited to airstrikes on Iran's nuclear facilities. "If we use military action against Iran, we should not only go after their nuclear facilities. We should destroy their ability to make conventional war. They should have no planes that can fly and no ships that can float," said Graham.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss, Republican of Georgia, agrees.

"The problem with military action also is that you're probably not going to be able to stop the production of uranium by just a simple airstrike," Chambliss said on Fox News Sunday. "Lindsey's right. It's an all or nothing deal. And is it worth that at this point in time, when we know they have the capability? We can slow them down, but a full-out military strike is what it would take," said Chambliss.

Are you kidding? We have to protect Israel by carpet bombing the hell out of Iran? Are Republicans insane? Honestly?

With what troops, what public support, and what actual reason do we have to launch an all out military war against Iran? With what ground forces will we secure Tehran and depose the regime? Have these bloodthirsty morons learned nothing from the last seven years?

My God, they can never be allowed in power again. Ever. Chambliss's own logic, that a "surgical" strike would be worthless, is exactly the reason why we can't attack Iran. It would in fact take an all out war to do so...a war we can't afford and cannot conduct in any feasible way.

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