I'll go with mine:
- John McCain. Nobody gives a damn about what you have to say about Washington except for the people who book MTP. Flying Spaghetti Monster willing, you'll be primaried out of a job in 2010.
- Cokie Roberts. You're an annoying clueless chucklehead on NPR every Monday morning on my drive into work. Honestly NPR, my donations should be paying for better Washington insider concern trolling. Fire her ass already.
- William A. "Col. Mustard" Jacobsen. This guy's a law professor with a public blog? Really? I'd rather take legal advice from Lionel Hutz. Specious, easily annihilated arguments for the loss.
- Joe Scarborough Why does this guy have a show still? It's like MSNBC has some sort of unwritten rule that Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz and KO have to be balanced by this chode. You have PAT BUCHANAN for that.
- Rand Paul Look, Kentucky, if you vote this chowderhead in as Senator, I will have to Do Something. Mongiardo, Conway, even Trey Greyson I can deal with. But not this guy.