Thursday, December 10, 2009

Taibbi On Obama's Econ Team

Shamelessly stolen from Digby, here's Matt Taibbi on Obama's Economic Team.

And the thing is, I don't disagree with a single thing Taibbi says. Robert Rubin really is the guy who fubared our economy and put into effect the Citigroup rule and convinced Clinton to sign Gramm-Leach-Bliley. Rubin's son Jaime was on Obama's transition team along with his father after Obama canned his campaign economic squad in favor of Wall Street.  Rubin basically is the one that hired Timmy.  And the bills that both Obama's team and Congress will put into effect exactly how to bail out the banks the next time they fail.

And there will be a next time.  But then again, that's the whole point.

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