Friday, December 11, 2009

The Why Behind Climategate

The FOX Street Journal's Kim Strassel helpfully provides the entire reason behind the Climategate full press and it has everything to do with the EPA's recent ruling on CO2 and Copenhagen:
"The Obama administration now owns this political hot potato," says one industry source. "If I'm [Nebraska Senator] Ben Nelson or [North Dakota Senator] Kent Conrad, why would I ever want to take it back?"
All the more so, in Congress's view, because the EPA "command and control" threat may yet prove hollow. Now that the endangerment finding has become reality, the litigation is also about to become real. Green groups pioneered the art of environmental lawsuits. It turns out the business community took careful notes.

Industry groups are gearing up for a legal onslaught; and don't underestimate their prospects. The leaked emails from the Climatic Research Unit in England alone are a gold mine for those who want to challenge the science underlying the theory of manmade global warming.
Business groups and energy giants don't want to just tie up the EPA regs or legislation from Congress.  They want to literally put climate science on trial from crimes against profit.  They're going to try to bury the science under mounds of trials and depositions and competing testimony and so confuse the country that America simply gives up on it.

But that's the whole point, now isn't it?
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