This decision does not relate to any dissatisfaction that I have about serving in the Senate. Yes, I wish there was less rancor and more bipartisanship in the U.S. Senate these days. But still, it is a great privilege to serve and I have the utmost respect for all of the men and women with whom I serve. . . And although he inherited an economy in serious trouble, I remain confident that President Obama is making the right decisions to put our country back on track. Further, my decision has no relationship to the prospect of a difficult election contest this year. Frankly, I think if I had decided to run for another term in the Senate I would be reelected.Moot point if you're leaving, Byron. Still, the guy had a good run and he was one of the better Dems in the Senate.
But the GOP is salivating here, especially popular Republican Gov. John Hoeven. Hate to say it, but it's looking like a pickup for the Republicans here.