Thursday, January 7, 2010

More Perspective, Another Shooting

Reports are coming in of a multiple shooting at a transformer factory in North St. Louis this morning, three victims have been discovered, the shooter is still on the loose in the building.

As tragic as this is, and make no mistake even with my usual cynical snark aside, this is a tragic and terrible event, the fact remains that under current Republican  logic, this is only a "terrorist attack against a soft target" if and only if the shooter was a Muslim (well, if the shooter was Latino, perhaps Malkinvania would scream it was one by La Raza.)  If it was anyone else, it's just a normal American workplace shooting, nothing to see here.  Perhaps Janet Napolitano should resign over her failure to protect the homeland from whoever this was, etc.

You know, just like the complete forgotten Las Vegas courthouse shooting earlier this week.  Shooter wasn't a Muslim, he was a black guy who lost a Social Security case because he thought it was racial discrimination against him, so it's not news, and of course it's not anything for Republicans to dwell on.  It might raise uncomfortable questions...but expect to see the usual suspects cry that this is proof there's a race war in America and that we need to be profiling all black men, always, for anything.

More on this as it comes in.

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