Friday, January 1, 2010

Wile E. Republican Arrives Fresh From The Drawing Board

Above:   Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown's campaign manager

All the GOP has to do to reduce Obama to a three-year lame duck President is for Scott Brown to pretend to be Mitt Romney long enough to win Ted Kennedy's seat in Massachusetts, giving the Dems only 59 seats, giving the GOP minority effective control over Congress, giving America three years of The Party Of No, which of course will be blamed on Obama and then President Sarah Palin will take over in 2012 with a Republican Congress and a nation of grateful Teabaggers and start restoring America to glorious freedom by outlawing rational thought and compassion, forcing Americans into self-sufficiency like our Pioneer fathers or deportation of those Liberal pussies who can't hack it to Canada and then we get get back to starting a war or three, by God.

But it all starts with Scott Brown being the 41st No.

What could possibly go wrong?

(Oh yes...reality.  We failed to plan for that.  Also, Mitt Romney being the key to our plan.)

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