Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You Say Bad Bayh, I Say Hello

The Republicans have figured out they really don't need to run hard against Evan Bayh.
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) has announced on his Facebook page that he will not run for Senate this year against second-term Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh.

"After much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to remain in the House and to seek reelection to the 6th Congressional District in 2010," Pence writes. "I am staying for two reasons. First because I have been given the responsibility to shape the Republican comeback as a member of the House Republican Leadership and, second, because I believe Republicans will win back the majority in the House of Representatives in 2010."

A Rasmussen poll released yesterday had shown Pence with a 47%-44% lead over Bayh in a hypothetical match-up. Against the Republican candidates who are currently in the race, Bayh had a slim lead of 47%-44% over former Rep. John Hostettler, who lost reelection in 2006, and a 45%-33% lead over state Sen. Marlin Stutzman.
But Pence is immediately announcing he's out.  It possible there's a rat here.

Now, I can see Pence going for the brass ring in 2012.  But knocking out Evan Bayh would be a pretty huge win for the GOP.  On the other hand, given Bayh's Republican lite voting record, the RNC could care less.  They win either way.

I think Pence figures Bayh is Republican enough.  He'd be right.

[UPDATE 3:06 PM] In the "News That Should Surprise Precisely Nobody" department, Evan Bayh, Ben Nelson and Blanche Lincoln are all warning they won't vote for health care fixes through reconciliation.  (If you're curious, you can go ahead and pencil in Joe Lieberman too in the no column too.)

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