Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Manufactured Crisis

If the main problem with America is jobs right now, why is the NY Times' Jackie Calmes on the front page of the Grey Lady screaming about the national debt?

Oh yes, because that's what the Republicans want.  And the "liberal media" delivers.
Elected Republicans, however, are under intense pressure from their party’s conservative base to oppose any tax increases — a line in the sand that dims any prospects for bipartisan cooperation. Yet economists, including veterans of past Republican administrations, are vocal in insisting that the debt problem is too great to be solved without increasing revenues somehow and perhaps moving to a new consumption tax system like Europe’s.
The same economists also say a significant deficit-reduction plan is not possible unless Mr. Obama breaks his campaign promise not to raise taxes for households making less than $250,000. Last week, Mr. Obama said he would not impose that condition or any other on a fiscal commission.

The situation is complicated by a debate over how quickly Washington should act even if it could. The Obama administration, Congressional Democratic leaders and many economists are pushing for additional government stimulus measures while the private sector remains weak. But anger about big deficits has stoked the populism roiling politics, and Republicans as well as some conservative Democrats want to cut spending right now as a way of addressing perceptions among voters that government has gotten too big, too intrusive and too profligate. Mr. Obama himself proposed a budget that would freeze spending on some categories of domestic spending for three years.

Many analysts say the president and Congress could send a strong signal to global markets by agreeing this year to a package of both long-term tax increases and spending reductions, especially in the popular entitlement programs, that would not take effect until 2012. That is the recommendation of two new studies, one from a diverse group sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and a separate joint project of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trusts and the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.
The Village wanking on deficits aside, there's the much larger issue:  Republicans refuse to raise taxes, so Democrats are just going to have to cut entitlement spending.   It's amazing, Republicans and ConservaDems are screaming that the solution to a jobless recovery is to cut spending and send us into a double-dip recession.  Obama has to be the bad guy and take all the electoral wrath for tax increases...and he's being set up to take all the pain for entitlement cuts too

Through eight years of the Bush administration, deficits didn't matter.  Only now with a Democrat in the White House for a year, with Republicans like Michele Bachmann already pinning Bush's profligacy on him, are Republicans worried about deficits.  They are demanding massive cuts in Social Security and Medicare.

And if they don't get them, why they might not cooperate with the President.  Oh no!

Here's the kicker however.  Obama is going along with this stupidity.  I'm not sure why, but he is.  He has to know he's being set up to take the fall and as soon as the GOP gets back in control from the economy being wrecked from following GOP advice, the GOP will turn around and cut taxes and run up trillions in deficits again, forcing the elimination of social programs across the country.

Obama must see this coming.  And so far he's walking right into the trap.

1 comment:

Dolphy said...

Welcome to the world of Barack Obama! As I tried to warn people about in the primaries the big problem with Obama is that he wants to be liked. He does not like to fight people which is a really bad quality for a politician-especially one who blathered on about change the way he did in the primaries. Change is not rhetorical. It is tough, very tough. Going up against the special interests that will fight real change with all the financial and media resources at their disposal means that you have to face the fact that you will piss a lot of people off. That sadly is not our president. He would rather work out compromises with the opposition which as we all know result in cave-ins to the Republicans and corporate elites. The funny thing is that no matter how often he does this it is never enough for them. They want more and in the interests of that hallowed bi-partisanship Barack will deliver it. It is this quality about Obama that is his fatal flaw and the reason why I was never excited about an Obama presidency. Just another spineless Democrat. Barack might learn a lesson from the hated Clintons and remember that Bill's presidency was fumbling along too until the day he told Newt to go to hell when he tried to shut down the government. From that point on Clinton's popularity soared and poll after poll gave him high marks. Barack like Bill is a likeable guy. All it would take is a similar situation where for once Obama showed a spine and a willingness to gladly offend someone because he actually believed in a political principle. He needs to stop trying to be a teddy bear and become more of a pit bull if he is serious about bringing real change to Washingtom. Lyndon Johnson and Bobby Kennedy might have hated each others guts but they had one trait in common that Democrats sadly lack today. They could be S.O.B's when they had to be and they didn't give a rats ass if it offended some people or not. Hopefully Barack will turn this thing around but after watching him over the years I doubt it. I suspect that you will writing many posts similar to the one above for the next couple of years Zander!

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