Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Collateral Damage, Inc.

The level of hatred raised by some on the right is beginning to reach dangerous levels.  Eventually they are going to seriously hurt or kill someone involved in the HCR vote.  Today's latest example of violence:
Law enforcement authorities are investigating the discovery of a cut propane gas line at the Virginia home of Rep. Tom Perriello’s (D-Va.) brother, whose address was targeted by tea party activists angry at the congressman’s vote for the health care bill.
POLITICO reported on Monday that Mike Troxel, an organizer for the Lynchburg Tea Party, posted on his blog what he thought was the congressman’s address, encouraging tea party activists to “drop by.”

The address has since been posted on websites of at least one other local tea party activist.
And what do you know, a propane gas line was cut at the address listed.  Wrong address, wrong Perriello, but somebody could have been seriously hurt.  If this was done on purpose, it's reprehensible.  if it was a complete coincidence or accident, it still demonstrates the level of rhetoric coming from some on the right is over the line.  Vandalism has been committed already in the name of revenge against this health care bill and the Dems who passed it before.  There are those who are out there approving of and encouraging this behavior.  This has to stop.

As John Aravosis concludes:
The first time a member of Congress or their family is physically harmed by a Teabagger, the GOP can kiss their aspirations for public office goodbye for the next century. 
Believe it.  The steadfast refusal of the right to completely disavow these nutjobs only makes them more influential and liable to cross that big, thick, bloody red line where somebody gets hurt or killed.  Now, I know that even if this was intentional, there's enough safety equipment designed into your average propane tank sold for residential use that cutting the line would not cause a problem by itself (unless the tank was tampered with as well.)  But there's no justifying this if it was intentional.  None at all.

It's time for the right to put an end to this nonsense.

Or, you know, do we have to wait until someone decides to "take aim" at these House members?


In Ur Blog Eatin Waffles (Accept no fail imitations) said...

I concur that people should not be condoning violence. There are plenty of other ways to handle this that do not require bloodshed.

I also don't think that the GOP is condoning this though, and quite frankly it's extremists. If the bill had failed miserably we would have the same thing from the opposite sides extremists. People may feel strongly about this but there are other ways to handle it.

Like posting the truth in a blog full of left wing garbage :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes take the high road

Like you should Jon, take the high road lead by example, do your job and follow instructions like

Follow company policy and do not abuse the net or follow your supervisors policy and do not take lunch on the floor.

djchefron said...

To sarah the grifter palin,teabaggers and republicans.You are walking on thin ice and remember this
Title VIII: Terrorism criminal law
Title VIII alters the definitions of terrorism, and establishes or re-defines rules with which to deal with it. It redefined the term "domestic terrorism" to broadly include mass destruction as well as assassination or kidnapping as a terrorist activity. The definition also encompasses activities that are "dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State" and are intended to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population," "influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion," or are undertaken "to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping" while in the jurisdiction of the United States.[142] Terrorism is also included in the definition of racketeering.[143] Terms relating to cyber-terrorism are also redefined, including the term "protected computer," "damage," "conviction," "person," and "loss."[144]
That is all.

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