Thursday, April 1, 2010

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

American Prospect's Adam Serwer tweets:
How can GOP see Census as invasion of privacy but be fine with warrantless wiretapping?

Answer:  Wingers don't hate the government, they are just absolutely and fanatically opposed to any government function that could theoretically benefit poor and/or minority people.

Warrantless wiretapping?  Might lead to groups of minorities getting arrested and permanently detained.  GOP checklist says this is a vital government function.

Census?  Might lead to groups of minorities getting federal tax dollars and representation in Congress.  GOP checklist says this is intolerable tyranny that must be opposed.

Spending trillions on war in Iraq and Afghanistan and bombing the crap out of civvies?  Big ol' green check mark!  Lowering the deficits with health care reform that would expand health care coverage to minorities and the poor? RED X, dripping with the Blood Of Tyrants!

Ask yourself if the policy the GOP opposes might benefit the poor or minorities (or the policy they approve of might hurt them badly) and you'll have a surprising number of answers right there.

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