Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Steele Himself For Battle

The calls for Michael Steele's head from the Republican side are getting louder.
Prominent Republican strategist Alex Castellanos called on Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele to step down Tuesday after a series of embarrassing headlines raised questions about Steele's ability to lead the party into November's elections.

"I think a change in the direction now, at this point, would do the party good," Castellanos told CNN's "The Situation Room."

Castellanos a CNN political contributor, described Steele as a "good man, a very decent man and a tremendously talented man." But he said he had stopped serving as an informal advisor to Steele because "I lost my ability to be of service to the RNC."
And louder...
How to put this politely? Michael Steele is a man of considerable talents — it’s just that he conspicuously lacks those required for his present position. He’s energetic, personable, and articulate. But those are not the qualities most required of a party chairman. The job demands an administrator, a behind-the-scenes schmoozer, and a tactician. Showboating is a hindrance. It’s a job that requires the talents of a stage manager, whereas Steele likes to be the star.

At a time when the Republican party is the indispensable vehicle for thwarting the disastrous policies of the Obamaites, Steele is a costly distraction in more ways than one.
And louder.
But before the RNC can pick new leadership, the current leader must step aside. There are already those who are calling for Steele's forced ouster. But that would be unfortunate, and tough under the party's rules. Far better for Steele to decide it's time to go on his own. 
Remember Josh Marshall's theory:  if Steele is forced out, it all but proves that he was put in the position solely because of his race in the first place as a naked attempt to blunt criticism of the GOP on race.  The dogpiling on Steele from the right shows that he's outlived his usefulness as the puppet at the head of a party without a leader...well, without admission that the leaders are Beck and Limbaugh, that is.

We'll see how this shapes up.  I'm strongly inclined to agree with Marshall here:  Steele as RNC chair was always a naked attempt to pander.
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