Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

When you feel the need to take out a campaign ad to fight a lie the opposition is spreading about you, that's one thing.  Not responding to a campaign smear is a calculated risk, but so is responding to one.  But when you take out a campaign ad to fight the "smear" that you believe in evolution, there's something just a bit wrong.
In Alabama, a state PAC recently went on the air with an ad attacking one of the Republican gubernatorial candidates for supporting the teaching of evolution in schools and for saying that parts of the Bible aren't true.

The candidate, Bradley Byrne, responded with a lengthy press release vehemently defending his belief in creationism and the infallible truth of the Bible.

"As a Christian and as a public servant, I have never wavered in my belief that this world and everything in it is a masterpiece created by the hands of God," Byrne wrote. "As a member of the Alabama Board of Education, the record clearly shows that I fought to ensure the teaching of creationism in our school text books. Those who attack me have distorted, twisted and misrepresented my comments and are spewing utter lies to the people of this state."

He went on: "I believe the Bible is the Word of God and that every single word of it is true ... My faith is at the center of my life and my belief in Jesus Christ as my personal savior and Lord guides my every action." 
No really, he said that.

Do you really want to be the governor of a state where rejecting evolution is considered a vital part of the constituency?  I wouldn't.  (No offense, Matt Osborne.)

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