Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Blame Game

Steve M. has an excellent point here as the NY Post suddenly decides blaming the President's foreign policy decisions for the actions of terrorists is permissible now that the President in question is a Democrat.
Wait -- "driven to evil" by American deeds? Hasn't it always been an ironclad rule in Murdoch Land that nothing we do can be the reason for anything terrorists do? Isn't any statement that asserts or implies anything to that effect an example of a "blame-America-first" mentality?

Shouldn't the Post be denouncing this attempt by Shahzad to fob blame off on brave, freedom-loving America, which seeks nothing but peace and righteousness and good for all the innocent people of the world?

No, wait -- these are Obama's drones. So the Post thinks it's OK for Shahzad to blame America first.
It's so nice of the wingers to pretend for eight years that "They hate our freedoms" is the only possible reason anyone could ever have for attacking us and not "We killed their family, friends, and loved ones with remote controlled death from the sky and they are pissed off at us because of that."

When Bush was doing it, you were called an American-hating traitor if you thought this in 2003-2008.  It doesn't make the fact we're still doing it (this time in Pakistan) any better.  But for the Murdoch media machine to only discover this possibility because it's convenient to attack a Democrat in the White House is pretty despicable, even for them.

Having said that, Obama's foreign policy sucks.  We need to get out of the Middle East.

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