Now the Dems are taunting the Republicans and daring them to play the repeal card. TPM's Christina Bellantoni:
Democrats on Thursday will launch a new 60-second ad on national cable television accusing repeal-happy Republicans of wanting to get rid of health care reform and all its benefits. The ad, obtained by TPMDC, is timed to coincide with the government mailing to seniors the first $250 Medicare rebate checks fixing the so-called prescription drug "donut hole."
The ad is titled "We Can't Afford To Go Back." It outlines the positive parts of the health care law signed by President Obama this spring and charges, "Republicans want to take it all away."
I've learned that DNC Chairman Tim Kaine on Thursday will dare Republicans to make repeal the focus of their fall campaign to try and win back control of Congress, challenging the GOP to tell senior citizens and others benefiting from health care exactly which parts of the reform law they'd scrap.Yeah, defunding the donut hole checks and allowing insurance companies to drop your coverage based on pre-existing conditions. I bet millions of people are lining up to see that happen. Repeal's a loser and the GOP knows is, and it's exactly because of ads like this. The Dems are opening up with both barrels on this and that's smart politics.
So go ahead, Republicans. Run on taking all that away.