Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Last Call

Steven D. can see the mountain of garbage all the way from here.
That is standard operating procedure for Republicans: make any outrageous statement you can and just hope enough gullible people will believe it. Like Glenn Beck predicting Democratic "revolutionaries" will take to the streets in protests like those which occurred in the 60's after the GOP wins back control of the House and Senate.

Or Tea Party activists carrying signs claiming Obama is for "White Slavery".

And how about the the remarks of Brendan Steinhauser, a "director of campaigns for FreedomWorks" Dick Armey's Tea Party astroturf organization, in which he said the following about the NAACP's proposed condemnation of the Tea Party Movement's racist elements:

"I just don't see racism in the tea party movement. Racism is something we're absolutely opposed to."
Meanwhile, over at Free Republic posters that same day were calling the NAACP "The klan with a tan. Yes, the NAACP is just like the Klan. They have a history of killing and lynching white people and burning crosses on their homes and blowing up their churches and killing little white girls. Oh wait. That's not true at all is it. It's a flat out bunch of bull puckey. Just like Mr, Martin's lie that Obama and his opponent, Rep Russ Carnahan don't want you to get religion. And by religion Martin means specifically the Christian religion in which belief in Jesus provides you a one way ticket to Heaven, and keeps you from burning in a fiery lake in Hell for all eternity.

Martin can't tell you why or how Obama and Carnahan are working for Satan and against Jesus, but that doesn't really matter, does it? All that matters is that Martin scares someone into believing Obama hates Jesus and works for the Devil
All Republicans have is what they had in 2008:  an irrational hatred of Barack Obama that would be borderline psychopathic, only it's crossed over into full-blown schizoid insanity.

It's the same damn thing.  Whenever you call these jackasses out on playing the race card, you're the only racist.  And you'd better believe the next 28-29 months are going to be all about how Barack Obama is going to destroy America, white people, and your immortal soul.  The Republicans don't actually have any better ideas to offer than they did since 2000, but they sure hate them some Barack Obama.

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