Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Gentle Reminder Of What's At Stake

Nate Silver on Twitter this evening:

I don't think people fully comprehend how scary the generic ballot numbers are for Democrats.

We go back to Nate's generic ballot chart from April:


Anything more than R+3 means the Dems lose the House under Nate's model.

Even the most generous polls for the Democrats right now, CNN and PPP, have the Republicans at +3. Rasmussen has them at +12 with the average around +6.

To put that in badly needed perspective, best case scenario right now is Dems maybe, maybe keep the House by a seat or two.   Average case is the Republicans pick up 54 seats and have a comfortable lead.  Rasmussen case, the Republicans pick up close to 80 seats and end up with the same margin of control that the Democrats have now.

Are we sufficiently convinced that Obama and the Democrats may need to in fact change tactics on the economy and jobs?

Nate gets into the heavy numbers and the science of the generic ballot as forecasting tool here.
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