The National Rifle Association, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are using the anniversary and site of Dr. Martin Luther King's 1963 March on Washington for what they are calling a "Restoring Honor Rally."Glenn Beck is welcome to hold his little "We hate President Hussein" rally wherever he wants because it's Constitutional right to do so, but invoking the name of Dr. King to justify his hateful rhetoric is an insult not only to people of color but every American and every human being who believes in equality.
Calling the date of this rally "divine providence," Beck, the talk show host, has partnered with the NRA and Palin to help him generate interest in the August 28 event. The NRA placed a four-page advertisement for the event outside its monthly magazine, First Freedom. The ad is at .Freedom-Beck-Palin.pdf
In a blog just posted, Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke today wrote:
"this is the same Glenn Beck, a life-member of the NRA, who has insulted the Anti-Defamation League; challenged Keith Ellison, a Muslim who had just been elected to Congress to ‘prove to me you are not working with our enemies;' repeatedly called President Obama ‘a racist' and accused him of having ‘ a deep-seated hatred for white people.'
But of course, he has an agenda to sell.