Cathy Paladino stroked the arm of the couch she was sitting on in her husband's campaign headquarters, first in small circles, then larger ones, as if to assure the couch that both she and it would get through this just fine.
She was talking about her husband's affair, a subject she was ready, if not eager, to address. Since her husband, Carl, won the Republican nomination for governor of New York last week, the only story in the race as compelling as his upset victory has been their personal back story: that her husband not only had an affair, not only fathered a child with that other woman, but also told his wife of 40 years about it all the same week that their 29-year-old son, Patrick, was killed in a car accident. He pulled her aside, Ms. Paladino said, as she was looking for family photographs to bring to the wake.
"He said he was very sorry to cause me pain, the relationship with the mother was over ... and there was a child," she said.
What a guy, that Paladino. All the empathy of Lord Voldemort's colostomy bag. Carl made his wife come clean on this story to the NY Post and the NY Times. So, not only does this schmuck send out racist emails about Obama, he cheated on his wife, confirmed their affair while she was mourning the death of their son, and was then made to relive this not once but twice to two major papers.
I defer to Steve's analysis:
All this makes me squirm. I suspected Carl Paladino was a bad human being. Now I'm sure of it.
This goes way beyond "asshole" territory straight to "the man has no effing soul". Your Republican candidate for Governor of New York, ladies and gentlemen.