Friday, November 19, 2010

Stomp Out Loud, Part 2

Meanwhile here in Kentucky, headstomp guy Tim Profitt has his day in court yesterday.

Profitt appeared in a Lexington, KY court and pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge stemming from the incident, which briefly defined the Kentucky Senate race before Paul, the Republican nominee, won in a landslide Nov. 2. 
The court was packed with folks trying to catch a glimpse of the Kentucky Stomper, according to reports from the ground. And though Profitt's been willing to discuss the incident before (like that time when he blamed a bad back for stepping on a woman that was being held down on the ground,) in court and afterward he kept his mouth shut.

His lawyer, however, laid out a defense of the charges that he said hinged on the video that got Profitt in trouble in the first place.

"Admittedly if you look at the video on the internet and TV and don't see anymore than what was shown it looks like he may have gone out of line," attorney Michael Dean told reporters. "But if you look at the rest of the video of what she was doing before hand and get the whole story, I think you will see my client is justified."

Dean's defense is not so different from the one broadcast by Paul supporters in the wake of the stomping. They pointed to Valle's paid role with MoveOn and a video showing her trying to get a picture with the now Sen.-elect right before the stomping to suggest that Valle was a paid agitator who helped instigate the incident.
After the incident, Valle told TPM the opposite was true -- Profitt and other Paul volunteers on the ground recognized her, she said, and set out to physically remove her from Paul's path that night.

Profitt's lawyer is so sure of his defense he intends to take the misdemeanor case to a full jury trial. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Dec. 7.

Amazing.  We're going to get a full jury trial out of this, and if Profitt's lawyer Mike Dean is any good, he'll find 12 people in Fayette County that will completely buy the "She's a liberal, she had it coming" defense.  Hell, he only really needs one, doesn't he?  Damn smart play by Dean.

Profitt walks.  I'm calling this now.  And I bet the state Republican Party machine gives him a job.
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