Monday, December 20, 2010

Something Happened On The Way To My Floridian Galtian Paradise

Betty Cracker over at Rumproast (who has the misfortune of Rick Scott as her new Governor) details the sad.

Rick Scott, ladies and germs: Governor-Elect of Florida, epic Medicare fraudster and flailing nincompoop. In a state that has one of the highest unemployment and foreclosure rates in the country and a dysfunctional, corrupt state government, Scott campaigned as a no-nonsense businessman.

His campaign slogan was “Let’s get to work.” He pummeled current Republican governor turned failed-indy-senatorial-candidate Charlie Crist for being an ineffective, wasteful career politician. He said his first order of business would be to run the Crist cronies out of Tallahassee.

And he kept that promise, demanding the resignations of the top 10 honchos in each state department in the Crist administration. But, uh oh, now it turns out that Scott’s transition team has yet to make a single hire. The only thing they have accomplished is to piss off the public by raising $2 million for a lavish inaugural bash, mostly from fat cats and special interests.

So now Scott is reduced to begging Team Crist to stay on a bit longer. And some of them are telling him to go pound sand.

Yeah that's right, he got rid of all the "Crist Cronies" and replaced them with...nobody.  Squat.  Diddly.  Shrinking government the awesome way!

Oh man, I'm going to enjoy watching this idiot fall apart, along with Florida's economy, and watch him get run out of town on a rail.

I don't feel so bad about Kentucky now.


StarStorm said...

This, is a nutshell, is why "throw da bums out!" is really a poor strategy.

It's not enough to get rid of people you don't like. You need a plan afterwards too.

Florida threw da bum out. The new guy didn't have a plan.

And Florida is going to learn the hard way that getting rid of people you don't like really isn't enough.

Anonymous said...

I've watched local politics in my area for some time, and even in the a newly hired Parks and Rec person seems to have a better sense of governance than Rick Scott.

What I'm surprised by is that his corporate backers wouldn't just 'introduce' him to some 'experts' they 'happened to know'.

But hey! He got a big assed entrance gala, yeah? Bet that got some air time.

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